Within the wide range of Leonese cuisine the following dishes are the most representative: Cecina cured, smoked beef, morcilla a superb variant of blood sausage, botillo a dish of meat-stuffed pork intestine, garlic soup, el cocido leonés a mix of meat with vegetables and chickpeas, served after a vegetable-vermicelli soup and mantecadas a sweet.
Another very important part of the gastronomy of León are the tapas that you can get in most of the many bars in the city. The most important thing about these tapas is that they are free unlike in most cities in Spain. It is a very common thing to do to go "de tapas" or "tapear" i.e. to go for a few drinks "un corto", which is a very small beer, "una caña", which is roughly half a pint of beer or "un vino," a glass of wine just before lunch, but more normally as a light form of dinner.
Any tourist visiting León will enjoy the ancient streets of "Barrio Húmedo". There it is possible to visit many bars in which tapas are served along with nice wines from "Tierras de Leon", "Ribera de Duero", or "Vino del Bierzo".
You can also visit some villages near Leon with vineyards such as Valdevimbre. There you will find caves that are as old as 300 years. Originally they were dug for wine cellars since they maintain nearly the same temperature year round. Today they are still used to make wine. Some of them have become restaurants or pubs.
The oldest cave-restaurant was opened in 1979 and it is called La Cueva del Tunel (http://cuevadeltunel.blog...). It has a typical decoration with an Indian touch.
In Los Poinos (http://www.lospoinos.com) you can find a mix between new cuisine and typical food from Leon.
In any of the Cuevas restaurants you will be able to enjoy the typical food from Leon such as cecina, callos, morcilla blood pudding, etc. all those traditional place will be accompanied by local wines as Pardevalles (http://www.pardevalles.es), Tampesta, Barcillo or Los Palomares inside the new D.O. Tierras de Leon.
Valdevimbre is 23 km from Leon and you can drive there or get a taxi for approximately 25EUR from Leon.
La Cueva del Tunel (http://cuevadeltunel.blog...): The oldest and the most special cave-restaurant in the village of Valdevimbre, open since 1979. It is a must place to visit for all those who travel to the region of Leon.
Inside this cave you will find an unforgettable eating experience due to its relaxing atmosphere and fabulous plates. It has a typical decoration with an Indian touch. Sometimes one ventano cave room is converted into an Indian bazaar.
They offer genuine old-fashioned Leon's food as embutido chorizo, ham, cecina, etc., cheeses, blood sausages, the best Leon's beef meat steaks, Tortilla Guisada, mushrooms, etc. In addition, you will be able to enjoy a big variety of Spanish wines and specially those tasteful local wines from the new D.O. Tierras de Leon and known internationally as Pardevalles , Tampesta, Barcillo or Los Palomares.